Accepted routes to demonstrating competence
The Installer competence requirements for the Green Deal are outlined in the technical annexes of PAS 2030. There are a number of recognised routes to demonstrating competence, and depending on the technology, may include:
- Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications or qualification units and on-site inspection of work
- Completion of other aligned training and certification and on-site inspection of work
- Member of a Building Regulations Competent Person Scheme for the type of work included under the scope of this Annex and on-site inspection of work
- Demonstrable knowledge and experience in relation to the competence in Annex CWI 1 gained through industry experience and verified by UKAS accredited certification body through a structured interview and on-site inspection of work
- Evidence of product or system supplier surveyor approval, where relevant.
For further information, please contact a Certification Body.