Government’s promotion of the Green Deal has emphasised the fact that those wishing to participate must meet new standards and comply with the Green Deal Code of Practice (CoP). Monitoring participants’ adherence to those standards and Code provisions, and taking action where non-compliance is identified, is key to fostering improvers’ confidence in the Scheme.
The various Green Deal participants operate under a number of standards and practice requirements:
All Green Deal participants must abide by the general provisions of the Green Deal Code of Practice (Code of Practice) and of the licence or sub-licence conditions on use of the Green Deal Approved Quality Mark (QM).
Green Deal Providers must also abide by specific detailed provisions in an Annex to the Code of Practice, covering the process of arriving at and delivering a Green Deal plan to the consumer. Their compliance with the Code of Practice is monitored by the Green Deal Oversight and Registration Body (GD ORB). Providers have a responsibility to specify the measures to be installed and an appropriate design so consideration as to whether the most appropriate measures for the property have been installed forms part of this monitoring. In addition, Providers are responsible for ensuring that those they employ or sub-contract comply with the provisions of the Code of Practice. The GD ORB’s monitoring also aims to verify that Providers have adequate procedures in place to ensure compliance by Assessors and Installers is maintained.
Green Deal Assessor Organisations must adhere to a detailed Specification that applies to them as well as the relevant sections of the Code of Practice. The Green Deal Advisers they employ must adhere to the National Occupational Standards for their work, designed to ensure accurate impartial Green Deal Advice Reports are produced. Compliance is monitored by Green Deal Certification Bodies (Certification Bodies) accredited to certify Assessor Organisations, who also have responsibility for ensuring ongoing compliance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Practice.
Green Deal Installers must adhere to the relevant requirements of PAS 2030, which sets out the specifications for the installation of all the measures that can be installed under the Green Deal, designed to ensure that only appropriate measures are installed, and installed correctly. Compliance is monitored by Certification Bodies accredited to certify installers, who also have responsibility for ensuring ongoing compliance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Practice.
Green Deal Certification Bodies must themselves be accredited by UKAS to certify Green Deal Installer and Assessor organisations. That is, they must meet the terms of the relevant specification – PAS 2031 (for Certification Bodies who certify Installers) and the Specification for Certification Bodies certifying Green Deal Assessor Organisations. Both specifications set out the ongoing surveillance that Certification Bodies must carry out on their certified organisations. Certification Bodies must also abide by an Annex to the Code of Practice specific to them, which includes the requirement to “take appropriate steps to ensure [their certified organisations] continue to comply with the Code of Practice’s requirements”. As with Providers, the GD ORB’s monitoring of Certification Bodies’ compliance in effect includes verifying that Certification Bodies have adequate procedures in place to ensure compliance is maintained by Assessors and Installers.
The Green Deal Approved Quality Mark must only be used by authorised participants. The GD ORB is responsible for monitoring the use by unauthorised participants and taking enforcement action where it is discovered. The GD ORB also is responsible for auditing Certification Bodies and Providers adherance to the Quality Mark licence.
The complete Monitoring Strategy document can be downloaded from the right hand side of the page.